Grand Canyon of the Tuolumne River

Yosemite National Park


5 days and 33 miles of High Sierra wilderness and adventure

“The rivers flow not past, but through us, thrilling, tingling, vibrating every fiber and cell of our bodies”

-John Muir

Quintessential Yosemite Backpacking

This 5 day adventure is one of the best backpacking routes in the world. Following the Tuolumne River, this trail winds through 33 miles of Yosemite High Country splendor. You can expect world class views ranging from spectacular granite domes and high alpine peaks, to breathtaking waterfalls and peaceful alpine meadows amidst a forest of ancient giant tree’s. If you can only do one backpacking trip in Yosemite, this is the one to do!


Day 1

On day 1 we will meet at the Tuolumne Meadows Visitor center at 9 AM. Here everyone will get outfitted with their gear, sized up with their packs and be able to load personal items. After a brief orientation we will travel to the trailhead in another section of the park. Our hike today will be nearly all downhill as we descend into Pate Valley. Don’t let the downhill aspect fool you, this will be a strenuous start losing so much elevation in a day. Along the way we’ll traverse over several creek crossings and have views of Hetch Hetchy Reservoir as well as first looks at The Grand Canyon of the Tuolumne River. We will make camp tonight near the river and have an opportunity to cool off by swimming in a natural pool of fresh mountain water. Dinner will be served consisting of a hot and delicious meal that will refuel after a long day. Get to bed early tonight or relax and wait for the magnificence of the unspoiled night sky to reveal itself. Many of our trips are planned around the new moon for optimal star gazing!

Day 2

On day 2 we will officially enter the Grand Canyon of the Tuolumne River. We will be blessed with a few miles of flat trail today which will allow a brief respite for our legs. Its here where you can begin to marvel at the wondrous canyon carved by the Tuolumne. Hiking among high canyon walls and lumbering pine tree’s you’ll understand why the Sierra Nevada is called “The Range of Light”. After more creek crossings where we will fill up water, and countless stops to take in the beauty of the area, we’ll reach a high point for the day near Muir Gorge, named for the famed Yosemite naturalist John Muir. Steep switchbacks today will reward us with views of Colby and Grand Mountains and a few waterfalls. Once again we’ll make camp near the river and sit down for a relaxing night, some hot chocolate and backcountry cuisine, perhaps a favorite of pesto and bacon pasta!

Day 3

On day 3 we will continue climbing, but with some of the best views of the whole trip! Waterwheel Falls and LeConte falls are some of today’s highlights. At Waterwheel Falls the flow is so rapid that the water is shot up into the air off of the rock in several small ledges as it travels down. For each climb today that makes us sweat, a jaw dropping view will await. Guaranteed that by days end you’ll be tired, but wholly satisfied and proud of yourself for what you’ve accomplished so far. As the sun sets in the canyon we’ll relax into our chairs. A hot meal and savory dessert will cap off another great day!

Day 4

Day 4 we will continue climbing along the river to California Falls. Today wide open expanses of granite river bed will provide warm spots to rest, and swimming holes to explore. There will be no shortage of views today as we approach Wildcat Point. A wide section of river will fool you into thinking its a secluded alpine lake, and will be a great spot for lunch and to rest our feet. By days end the majority of the trips climb will be over and everything else should be easy compared to what we have accomplished so far!

Day 5

On day 5 we will hike through the famous Glen Aulin, see more waterfalls, and have a few flatter miles as a reward for the long climb. The scenery here never disappoints, but the few people we may see will likely have no idea what lies behind us, as most visitors to Glen Aulin never travel deeper into the backcountry from there. The day will end shortly after lunch, and a shuttle will take everyone back to their cars. At trails end a cold drink will be waiting for you to sip on the shores of picturesque Tenaya Lake. Trips usually finish around 2pm so If you need to catch a flight today make sure it is at night! See the pictures below for a glimpse of this trip’s stunning beauty!

Meet Your Guide


The price per person on this trip is 1500$ and includes permits, all meals and trail snacks, and use of essential gear to include high quality backpacks, tents, sleeping bags and pads, personal water filters, all group cooking gear, bear resistant food containers, and a group first aid kit.

Trip Dates for 2023


August 4-8

August 14-18

What To Know Before We Go


Be In Shape

Every backpacking trip requires a base level of fitness. You’ll be required to carry between 30 and 40 pounds of gear up steep elevations in thin mountain air. Ask yourself this, could you strap on a loaded backpack and climb the empire state building? because we’ll be climbing the equivalent elevation 2,3,4, and for some trips 5 times over! You should be well prepared for the trip ahead of time by introducing regular cardio exercise into your routines, biking, swimming, running are all great, and you should do whats most fun for you. That being said, the best way to prepare to strap on weight and climb is to load up a backpack and hit the stairs, or better yet local trails! The most important factor for you to have fun on a backpacking trip is to be well prepared physically, and mentally up to the strain of hiking with weight.

Yosemite Permit System

In order to ensure the highest levels of wilderness seclusion, trail management, and best overall experience in the Yosemite wilderness, theres an extensive permit system. I will have permitted trips with set dates available and posted here so you don’t have to worry about it. You will still have to pay the fee to enter the park however, currently that fee is $35 per car, or you can buy an annual pass that is good for any US National Park (highly recommend this route) for just $80.

What Ya Need And What Ya Don’t

The important and essential gear is always provided by me, as part of every trip. You’ll be set up with a top quality backpack designed to distribute the weight and carry all the gear we need for the adventure. I’ll also provide high quality tents, water filters, sleeping bags and pads to keep you warm and off the ground, bear canisters for our food, the food itself a la backcountry cuisine, all the cooking gear, a robust first aid kit, and an awarding winning smile and piercing blue eyes. The last two things are non-negotiable but everything else you can always feel free to bring your own gear! What you’ll need to bring includes personal items; toothbrush, clothing, hiking shoes/boots, headlamps etc. A full pack list will be emailed prior to trip and I have some excellent recommendations for personal gear. Backpacking is always an exercise in minimalism and weight matters, so you’ll generally want to avoid bringing unnecessary items into the back country, such as a hairdryer or the complete written works of Ernest Hemingway.


Ten Lakes Basin