Ten Lakes Basin

Yosemite National Park


4 Days and 23 miles of secluded high mountain lakes and breathtaking views

“Freedom is roaming wild over untamed land, with no notion that any moment exists, beyond the one you’re in”

High Mountain Lakes, High Adventure

On this trip we explore one of the hidden gems of Yosemite’s High Country, the Ten lakes Basin. We’ll climb past peaceful meadows, thick forests, and the iconic granite domes of Yosemite to reach the lakes at 9,500 feet above sea level! Along the way we'll have views of Colby Mountain, Grand Mountain, and the Grand Canyon of the Tuolumne River.


Day 1

On day 1 we will meet at the Tuolumne Meadows Visitor center at 9 am. Here everyone will get outfitted with their gear, sized up with their packs and be able to load personal items. Our hike today starts a few miles away at the Ten Lakes trailhead. We will begin by hiking 5 miles up a steady climb, passing through lodgepole pine forests and a few creek crossings before reaching the beautiful Half Moon Meadows. Beyond the meadows we will begin to climb switchbacks up to Ten Lakes Pass at over 9500 feet! From the top you’ll have views of most of the park. A brief final descent will drop us into the Ten Lakes basin where we will make camp. Tonight we’ll celebrate the accomplishment with a hot meal of backcountry cuisine and some much deserved relaxation!

Day 2

On day 2 we will have the freedom to explore the Ten Lakes Basin and hike to some of the more remote lakes. We will be returning to the same camp tonight so there will be no need to pack up or carry everything on your back. After breakfast we will set out from camp with day packs and a loose itinerary that will allow you to choose your own adventure. Wether it is peak bagging, lake finding or simply a leisurely swim in glacially fed paradise. This day of the trip is where guests can get creative and unleash their inner explorer! Back at camp by mid afternoon you’ll relax into your chairs as your guide prepares another hot and hearty dinner! All that will be left after that is to catch sunset and patiently wait for the night skies to bathe the campsite in starlight!

Day 3

On day 3 we’ll hike down from our lakeside camp and travel along the southern edge of the Grand Canyon of the Tuolumne River. Today’s hike will have us back under our backpacks but with slightly less weight and a day of relaxation behind us. The trail climbs and drops but offers stunning views of Yosemite’s interior. After lunch at a scenic viewpoint (too many options to pick) we’ll arrive at our third nights camp. A hot dinner, a savory dessert, and patiently waiting for the stars to arrive will cap off our last night!

Day 4

After breakfast on our last day we will break down camp and prepare to hike out from our high mountain paradise. We’ll get the harder stuff out of the way early as the trail drops down several switchbacks on the eastern side of Tuolumne Peak. From there its a gentle descent along Murphy Creek, a rarely visited trail to the eventual end of our trip at the beaches of Tenaya Lake. Here a cold drink will be waiting for you to toast to a successful adventure!

Meet Your Guide


The price per person on this trip is 1,300$ and includes permits, all meals and trail snacks, and use of essential gear to include high quality backpacks, tents, sleeping bags and pads, personal water filters, all group cooking gear, bear resistant food containers, and a group first aid kit.

Trip Dates for 2023


July 11-14

Trip Full!

August 22-25

Booking Available!

Contact us if you’d like to use any of these dates as private trips we may be able to make it happen!

What To Know Before We Go


Be In Shape

Every backpacking trip requires a base level of fitness. You’ll be required to carry between 30 and 40 pounds of gear up steep elevations in thin mountain air. Ask yourself this, could you strap on a loaded backpack and climb the empire state building? because we’ll be climbing the equivalent elevation 2,3,4, and for some trips 5 times over! You should be well prepared for the trip ahead of time by introducing regular cardio exercise into your routines, biking, swimming, running are all great, and you should do whats most fun for you. That being said, the best way to prepare to strap on weight and climb is to load up a backpack and hit the stairs, or better yet local trails! The most important factor for you to have fun on a backpacking trip is to be well prepared physically, and mentally up to the strain of hiking with weight.

Yosemite Permit System

In order to ensure the highest levels of wilderness seclusion, trail management, and best overall experience in the Yosemite wilderness, theres an extensive permit system based on a lottery. I will have permitted trips with set dates available and posted here so you don’t have to worry about it. You will still have to pay the fee to enter the park however, currently that fee is $35 per car, or you can buy an annual pass that is good for any US National Park (highly recommend this route) for just $80.

What Ya Need And What Ya Don’t

The important and essential gear is always provided by me, as part of every trip. You’ll be set up with a top quality backpack designed to distribute the weight and carry all the gear we need for the adventure. I’ll also provide high quality tents, water filters, sleeping bags and pads to keep you warm and off the ground, bear canisters for our food, the food itself a la backcountry cuisine, all the cooking gear, a robust first aid kit, and an awarding winning smile and piercing blue eyes. The last two things are non-negotiable but everything else you can always feel free to bring your own gear! What you’ll need to bring includes personal items; toothbrush, clothing, hiking shoes/boots, headlamps etc. A full pack list will be emailed prior to trip and I have some excellent recommendations for personal gear. Backpacking is always an exercise in minimalism and weight matters, so you’ll generally want to avoid bringing unnecessary items into the backcountry, such as a hairdryer or the complete written works of Ernest Hemingway.


Grand Canyon Of the Tuolumne River